Blogger Susan said…
Once again the Rebel Triumvirate – Dorota Streitfeld, Wayne Bridge and Rich Streitfeld – provided a context for Unbridled Happening on January 31. 2008 closed out with a bright and awe-inspiring bang, when the group show hung for December 27 showed Southern New England what co-sponsored motivation can do for determined artists and their work. What a group! What an output! What a blessing Rebel HQ is in a world so ready to offer a discouraging word.
What is it that’s going on at Rebel HQ? It’s hard to say, but it’s impossible to ignore.
This month’s show brought us the always lively and often interactive work of Jim Barfoot. Jim’s approach to art is almost like that of a man trying to solve a problem – his “Orchestral Textures” was a standout for me, asking the question “what is the visual impact of musical unity and variety?” Jim’s hands-on, 3D pieces had a constant audience, drawing art-lovers and their hands into conversation with wood – although the proximity of these pieces to the fireplace may have been a help. It was a very cold night. (Almost like eating seafood in front of a giant fish tank if you ask me.)
The spirit of Jim’s work was all over the room – it showed up in the committed yet easy conversations and introductions, it showed up in the spontaneous and infectiously celebratory fire performances outside (a dish of “yeah it’s winter… LET IT ROCK!”). As before, Rebel HQ January ’09 was both a created event for art, and art that creates events. And hot damn – your children are welcome, too!
Dorota, Wayne and Richard are to be applauded for being who they are and for bravely allowing it to give rise to the best in us. At a point in popular culture when so many events and pieces are crafted for maximum cleverness and yield, these three simply do what they know best and allow it to do its thing in the hands, eyes, minds and hearts of excited Attendant Rebels.
They must love us all very much.
-Susan Barnaby
February 3, 2009 6:49 PM
It’s the community, stupid! That’s what I value and enjoy about these amazing gatherings that span age, interests, and socio-economic profiles. Even slow moving, relatively shy conversationalists like myself can connect with at least two or three good-hearted attendees before I toddle off to bed prior to the fireworks!
Thank you, Richie, Dorota and Wayne!