Hey y’all! Just giving the update, hope everyone out there is a doing well and ready for some freaky good pie.
Tangerota Berry, which is a mouthful, I know, is an amazing pie designed after an amazing lady. If you do not know Dorota Streitfeld or haven’t been to one of the Rebel HQ (http://www.rebelheadquarters.blogspot.com/) parties that she co-hosts, your life is far less rich, colorful and a whole lot less interesting. She is, without a doubt, one of my favorite people in New England and defiantly one of the friendliest. Look her up sometime, you’ll be greeted with a smile and open arms.
But what’s in a Tangerota Berry? Things I knew she’d like, and hopefully you will, too. It’s a Tangerine custard with slices of Strawberries sprinkled throughout and a healthy kick of Tequila. It is almost like a Tequila Sunrise, but better. And in pie.
You might ask what you need to do to get a pie designed and named after you. Well… be like Dorota.
Our other flavor this week is Chocolate Vanilla Volcano. This is a sweet vanilla custard with a dark, near black, organic chocolate layered on top. You’d expect me to go all spicy, but that’s in a few weeks when the good chilies come out. But no, this is super sweet and awesome goodness. No spicy just yet.
We’ll be at the Hope Artist Village in Pawtucket this Saturday from 10am until 1pm. We’ve exceeded capacity for delivery this week (even before the announcement! Been a busy girl!) so if you’d like to pick up a pie, hit us up at the market. You can find directions here: http://www.farmfresh.org/food/farmersmarkets_details.php?market=29
All you vegans out there, check us out next week, I’ve got something special with y’all in mind.
Hope everyone’s well and having a wonderful week!
Cutiepies—Our only competition is Mom.
(401) 331 2414